丁力1979年生于上海,2008年硕士毕业于法国巴黎国立美术学院(École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris),现工作生活于上海。丁力的作品基于对架上作品的反复实验,以最终明确自身对绘画的纯粹表达。他关注基于媒材特性的绘画探索,通过对油画颜料、喷漆、画笔与画框的重构呈现全新的视觉语言。

丁力近期参与的展览有: “甜蜜的生活”, Humarish Club艺术空间,澳门,2024;“化作通变——第七届广州三年展”,广东美术馆,广州,2023;“青年绘画”,OCAT欢乐海岸展区·盒子空间,深圳,2022;“抑制热情”,没顶画廊,上海,2022;“个人史料——第十八届‘海平’绘画· 雕塑联展”,中华艺术宫,上海,中国,2020;“4月12日,龙腾大道2879号106”,没顶画廊,上海,中国,2020;“罗伯特·宋”,没顶画廊,上海,中国,2019;“野生大都会”,宝龙美术馆,上海,中国,2019;“降临:发明风景,制作大地”,前哨当代艺术中心,上海,中国,2019;“可善的陌生”,UNArt艺术中心,上海,中国,2019;“极限混合 ——2019广州空港双年展”,广州,中国,2019; “变量与供养”,没顶画廊,上海,中国,2019;首届保时捷 “中国青年艺术家年度评选” 提名展,上海艺仓美术馆,上海,中国,2017;“偶发使命”,没顶画廊,上海,中国,2017;“思考本质不如消费形状”,没顶画廊,上海,中国,2017;“信息雕塑公路”,没顶画廊,上海,中国,2016;“发明仪式”,路易威登基金会:本土:变革中的中国艺术家,巴黎,法国,2016;“不够冲动是魔鬼”,没顶画廊,上海,中国,2015。

Ding Li was born in 1979 in Shanghai and graduated with a MA from the Oil Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Paris, France (École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris). The works of Ding Li are based on repeated experiments with the aim of defining a pure expression of his own in this media. His practice focuses on the exploration of painting developed from material characteristics and presents a new visual language through the reconstruction of oil paints, spray paints, brushes and frames.

His recent exhibitions include: “LA DOLCE VITA”, Humarish Club, 2024; Macau, “Symphony of All the Changes: The 7th Guangzhou Triennial”, Guangdong Musuem of Art, Guangzhou, 2023; “Youth Painting”, Boxes Art Space, Shenzhen, China, 2022; “Curb Your Enthusiasm”, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, 2022; “18th Sea Horizon Painting and Sculpture Exhibition”, China Art Museum, Shanghai, China, 2020; “April 12th, No. 106, 2879 Longteng Avenue”, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai China, 2020; “Robert Song”, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2019; “Wild Metropolis”, Powerlong Museum, Shanghai, China, 2019; “Advent: Inventing Landscape, Producing the Earth”, Qianshao Contem-porary Art Center, Shanghai, China, 2019; “Extreme Mix-Guangzhou Airport Biennale”, Guangzhou, China, 2019; “The Kind Stranger”, UNArt Center, Shanghai, 2019; “The Variable and The Generating”, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, 2019; “In the Name of December 12.”, Imagokinetics Lab, Hangzhou, China, 2018; “The First Porsche “Young Chinese Artist of the Year” Nominees’ Exhibition, Modern Art Museum, Shanghai, China, 2017; “Yellspace Programme Exhibition—Partial Archive”, Yell Space, Shanghai, China, 2019; “Serendipitous Mission”, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2017; “Form Consumption Over Substance Reflection”, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2017; “Information Sculpture Superhighway”, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2016; “Inventing Ritual”, Bentu, Chinese artists at a time of turbulence and transformation, Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, France, 2016; “Not Impulsive Enough Is the Devil”, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2015.