Miao Ying
Chinternet Plus: What Goes On
Materials : HD video 02’25”, HD Video 10’49”,GIFs, Wallpaper, Lightbox, logo, print
Year : 2016 - 2017

Chinternet Plus: What Goes On is an installation effectively closed off by the walls surrounding it.
The viewer can only see the works though several holes in the walls. Inside of the “wall”, the work is composed of sequential promotional video advertisements, prints, videos and wallpapers with the logo, and concept slogan for “Chinternet Plus”/ www.chinternet.com (commissioned by New Museum), A Counterfeit Ideology, all conceived and created by the artist.
The spirit of the “Chinternet Plus” refers to, and is a parody of, the recent official Chinese economic strategy known as “Internet Plus”. The lifestyle branding philosophies of “Chinternet Plus” attempt to heavily counterfeit the numerous half-state-owned (Communist) half-commercial (Capitalist) companies in China. The inside content of the work is divided by walls, like a maze. Each section has a main question with an accompanying answer that perhaps a corporation, business or other organization looking for public approval might have. It is divided into 5 sections: Our story, Our Mystery, Our goal, Our vision, and Our experience. The viewer is able to see different parts of the “Chinternet Plus” depending on where they stand.