Slime Engine
Extreme Live
Duration : 01 min. 45 sec.
Materials : Three-screen CGI video installation
Year : 2021

Slime Engine uses game engine to set the artworks of various artists in a virtual open world, incorporating face-catching technology to generate virtual characters to give live tours to viewers in the wilderness.

Live listing:
1.Shan Liang “African Wild Dog”
2.Feng Zhixuan “Ozymandias”
3.Fang Yang “Master Fang: Plumbing and Electrical Repair”
4.Liu Shuzhen “HAP:Using Heart Rate Information to Expand Presence for Bio-Communication”
5.Wang Ziquan “Sitting female body 1” , “Sitting female body 2”
6.Cai Jian “Voucher”
7.Li Hanwei “Topology”
8.33EMYBW “Symmetry”